Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Third Update About Mom

Hey All...

Around 2pm today (04-30-2012), I received a call from the nurse at Mom's nursing facility stating that mom wanted her children there ASAP. That was unnerving. I left work early and headed to Coast Fork. One of my sisters arrived first and and let others of us know mom was awake and alert but really weak. The nurse confirmed that mom's vitals all looked good and there wasn't anything imminent imminent. She did say that yesterdays ER trip was a real scare though and that mom was definitely unresponsive in the truest sense of the word. We spent the better part of the day with Mom, playing guitar singing songs... one in particular about (among other things) bacon. She enjoyed it but was drifting in and out of sleep. She had a period of wakefulness where she was able to communicate fairly well.
One of the things a few of us couldn't help but notice was that she was fairly clammy---which can be one of the signs that time is running short. One of the nurses mentioned 6 days as her estimate but she also said - you just never know though. 

A few of us siblings now feel it may be shorter. As this was being written I got a text from one of the sisters still with mom. Mom just had a cardiac episode---likely a heart attack with all the typical symptoms of a heart attack. As of this writing, Mom is stable and they will be checking her every 15 minutes.

Mom has expressed that... although she doesn't want to go yet, She's ready to.

Love you all


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